


rpmでインストールしたら/etc/init.d/infinidb stopだけで全部止まるんじゃないかと期待していたけれど、残念ながらそんなことはなかった。。


# ps auxww | grep Calpont
root     23342  0.0  0.0 121212    20 ?        S    Sep17   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/Calpont/bin/run.sh /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ProcMon
root     23343  0.0  0.2 1023764 2980 ?        Sl   Sep17   5:06 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ProcMon
root     23483  0.0  0.0 121216    20 ?        S    Sep17   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/Calpont/mysql//bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql//my.cnf --datadir=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db --pid-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/dev-personal-04.pid
mysql    23647  0.0  1.8 691168 18992 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:00 /usr/local/Calpont/mysql/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql//my.cnf --basedir=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/ --datadir=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db --user=mysql --log-error=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/dev-personal-04.err --pid-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/dev-personal-04.pid --socket=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306
root     23679  0.0  0.3 219212  3564 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:31 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/controllernode fg
root     23712  0.0  1.8 170120 18940 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:53 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ServerMonitor
root     23730  0.0  1.0 177392 10700 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:23 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/workernode DBRM_Worker1 fg


# /etc/init.d/infinidb stop
Shutting down InfiniDB Database Platform

# ps auxww | grep Calpont
root     10798  0.0  0.0   2716   168 pts/0    D+   15:11   0:00 grep Calpont
root     23679  0.0  0.3 202824  3716 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:31 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/controllernode fg
root     23712  0.0  2.0 170120 21352 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:53 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ServerMonitor
root     23730  0.0  1.0 177392 10700 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:23 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/workernode DBRM_Worker1 fg


# cc

Calpont InfiniDB Command Console
   enter 'help' for list of commands
   enter 'exit' to exit the Calpont InfiniDB Command Console
   use up/down arrows to recall commands

Active Alarm Counts: Critical = 0, Major = 2, Minor = 1, Warning = 0, Info = 0

Critical Active Alarms:

InfiniDB> stopSystem
stopsystem   Mon Sep 22 15:13:04 2014

This command stops the processing of applications on all Modules within the Calpont System
           Do you want to proceed: (y or n) [n]: y

   System being stopped now...
**** stopSystem Failure : ProcessManager not Active
Retry or Run 'shutdownSystem FORCEFUL' command

InfiniDB> q
quit   Mon Sep 22 15:13:38 2014
Exiting the Calpont Command Console

# !ps
ps auxww | grep Calpont
root     10812  0.0  0.0 107520   880 pts/0    S+   15:13   0:00 grep Calpont
root     23679  0.0  0.3 202824  3812 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:31 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/controllernode fg
root     23712  0.0  2.0 170120 21360 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:53 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ServerMonitor
root     23730  0.0  1.0 177392 10700 ?        Sl   Sep17   0:23 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/workernode DBRM_Worker1 fg


# /etc/init.d/infinidb start
Starting InfiniDB Database Platform

# !ps
ps auxww | grep Calpont
root     10828  0.0  0.1 121212  1608 pts/0    S    15:14   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/Calpont/bin/run.sh /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ProcMon
root     10829  4.0  1.3 1023764 14284 pts/0   Sl   15:14   0:07 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ProcMon
root     10960  0.0  0.1 121216  1748 pts/0    S    15:14   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/Calpont/mysql//bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql//my.cnf --datadir=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db --pid-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/dev-personal-04.pid
mysql    11124  0.2 10.8 681708 110576 pts/0   Sl   15:14   0:00 /usr/local/Calpont/mysql/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql//my.cnf --basedir=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/ --datadir=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db --user=mysql --log-error=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/dev-personal-04.err --pid-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/dev-personal-04.pid --socket=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306
root     11161  0.0  0.9 153660  9752 pts/0    Sl   15:14   0:00 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/controllernode fg
root     11188  0.1  0.9 153736 10040 pts/0    Sl   15:14   0:00 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ServerMonitor
root     11201  0.0  1.6 177328 16996 pts/0    Sl   15:15   0:00 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/workernode DBRM_Worker1 fg
root     11680  0.0  0.0 107520   880 pts/0    S+   15:17   0:00 grep Calpont

# cc

Calpont InfiniDB Command Console
   enter 'help' for list of commands
   enter 'exit' to exit the Calpont InfiniDB Command Console
   use up/down arrows to recall commands

Active Alarm Counts: Critical = 0, Major = 2, Minor = 1, Warning = 0, Info = 0

Critical Active Alarms:

InfiniDB> stopSystem
stopsystem   Mon Sep 22 15:18:31 2014

This command stops the processing of applications on all Modules within the Calpont System
           Do you want to proceed: (y or n) [n]: y

   System being stopped now...
   Successful stop of System

InfiniDB> q
quit   Mon Sep 22 15:18:57 2014
Exiting the Calpont Command Console

# !ps
ps auxww | grep Calpont
root     10828  0.0  0.1 121212  1608 pts/0    S    15:14   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/Calpont/bin/run.sh /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ProcMon
root     10829  2.8  1.4 1470336 14512 pts/0   Sl   15:14   0:08 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ProcMon
root     11928  0.0  0.0 107520   880 pts/0    S+   15:19   0:00 grep Calpont


# ps auxww | grep Calpont
root     12239  0.0  0.1 121212  1608 pts/0    S    15:21   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/Calpont/bin/run.sh /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ProcMon
root     12240  5.8  1.4 1023764 14336 pts/0   Sl   15:21   0:07 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ProcMon
root     12374  0.0  0.1 121216  1748 pts/0    S    15:21   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/Calpont/mysql//bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql//my.cnf --datadir=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db --pid-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/dev-personal-04.pid
mysql    12539  0.3 10.8 681708 110576 pts/0   Sl   15:21   0:00 /usr/local/Calpont/mysql/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql//my.cnf --basedir=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/ --datadir=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db --user=mysql --log-error=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/dev-personal-04.err --pid-file=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/dev-personal-04.pid --socket=/usr/local/Calpont/mysql/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306
root     12569  0.0  0.9 153660  9740 pts/0    Sl   15:21   0:00 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/controllernode fg
root     12604  0.3  0.9 153736 10032 pts/0    Sl   15:21   0:00 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/ServerMonitor
root     12616  0.0  1.6 177328 16996 pts/0    Sl   15:21   0:00 /usr/local/Calpont/bin/workernode DBRM_Worker1 fg
root     12983  0.0  0.0 107520   880 pts/0    S+   15:23   0:00 grep Calpont

# cc shutdownSystem
shutdownsystem   Mon Sep 22 15:23:38 2014

This command stops the processing of applications on all Modules within the Calpont System
           Do you want to proceed: (y or n) [n]: y

   System being shutdown now...
   Successful stop of System

   Successful shutdown of System

# ps auxww | grep Calpont
root     13220  0.0  0.0 107520   880 pts/0    S+   15:24   0:00 grep Calpont

stoipSystemでもshutdownSystemでも、起動は/etc/init.d/infinidb startでOKだった。cc startSystemでもOK。

0 件のコメント :
