
MySQL Fabricの様子を監視するための何か

MySQL Fabricでぼっこぼこにされたはなし で考えていた、MySQL FabricのMySQLプロトコルの口でAPIを叩いて監視しようと思っているはなし。

MySQLプロトコルの口では "CALL" ステートメントをフックして(というか単にクエリーを正規表現でマッチさせて) MySQL Fabricの各種APIを呼べるようになっている。
  => 日々の覚書: MySQL Fabricつらい(Fabricサーバー上のMySQLプロトコルの口でFabricのAPIが呼べる編)


mysqlfabric mysql 用途
mysqlfabric manage ping CALL manage.ping() mysqlfabricデーモンが生きてるかどうか
mysqlfabric statistics node CALL statistics.node() node_uptime, node_startupを見たいとき
mysqlfabric group lookup_groups CALL group.lookup_groups() group_idをここで取る
mysqlfabric group health ‘group_id’ CALL group.health(‘group_id’) is_alive, status, is_not_runningとか見どころがいっぱい

my $conn= DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:;host=fabric_ipaddr;port=32275", "fabric_usser", "fabric_password",
                       {RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0,
                        mysql_connect_timeout => 1, mysql_read_timeout => 1, mysql_write_timeout => 1});

my $manage_ping= $conn->prepare("CALL manage.ping()");

my $lookup_groups= $conn->prepare("CALL group.lookup_groups()");
$lookup_groups->fetchall_arrayref(); ### Skip because 1st Result set is fabric's uuid.
$lookup_groups->more_results;        ### Go ahead to next Result set.
foreach my $group (@{$lookup_groups->fetchall_arrayref({})})
  my $group_id= $group->{group_id};

  my $group_health= $conn->prepare("CALL group.health(?)");
  $group_health->fetchall_arrayref(); ### Skip because 1st Result set is fabric's uuid.
  $group_health->more_results;        ### Go ahead to next Result set.

  my $primary_server= "";
  foreach my $server (@{$group_health->fetchall_arrayref({})})
    if ($server->{io_not_running} || $server->{sql_not_running})
      critf("group_health is something wrong: %s", $server);
      $primary_server= $server->{uuid} if $server->{status} eq "PRIMARY";
  critf("There's no PRIMARY state server in %s", $group_id) unless $primary_server;

CALL group.lookup_groups(); (をはじめとする色々なストアドプロシージャもどきの)戻りが複数の結果セットをカジュアルに返すので、生まれて初めて more_results なんてメソッド を呼んだ。manage pingなんかは1つしか返さないので、本当はちゃんとループさせて "TTL" が入ってたら多分応答ヘッダーの方だとか判定した方がいいんだろう(たぶん、する)
1つ目の結果セットが "mysqlfabricのUUID" と "Time-To-Live" を返し、2つ目の結果セットにコマンドの結果が詰まっている。

$ mysqlfabric group lookup_groups
Fabric UUID:  5ca1ab1e-a007-feed-f00d-cab3fe13249e
Time-To-Live: 1

    group_id description failure_detector                          master_uuid
------------ ----------- ---------------- ------------------------------------
    fabric_A        None                0 8658f0e6-fb9e-11e5-8c6f-001a4a571800
    fabric_B        None                1 a1ffe373-3e73-11e6-87b3-001a4a5718ee

MySQL [(none)]> CALL group.lookup_groups();
| fabric_uuid                          | ttl | message |
| 5ca1ab1e-a007-feed-f00d-cab3fe13249e |   1 | NULL    |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

| group_id     | description | failure_detector | master_uuid                          |
| fabric_A     | NULL        |                0 | 8658f0e6-fb9e-11e5-8c6f-001a4a571800 |
| fabric_B     | NULL        |                1 | a1ffe373-3e73-11e6-87b3-001a4a5718ee |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


mysql> CALL threat.report_failure('a1ffe373-3e73-11e6-87b3-001a4a5718ee');
| fabric_uuid                          | ttl | message |
| 5ca1ab1e-a007-feed-f00d-cab3fe13249e |   1 | NULL    |
1 row in set (0.58 sec)

| uuid                                 | finished | success | result |
| 90517342-6a1f-424f-bed3-7a65f6140167 |        1 |       1 |      1 |
1 row in set (0.58 sec)

| state | success | when          | description                                                   |
|     3 |       2 | 1467708190.44 | Triggered by <mysql.fabric.events.Event object at 0x239f350>. |
|     4 |       2 | 1467708190.47 | Executing action (_report_failure).                           |
|     5 |       2 |  1467708190.5 | Executed action (_report_failure).                            |
|     3 |       2 | 1467708190.48 | Triggered by <mysql.fabric.events.Event object at 0x22777d0>. |
|     4 |       2 |  1467708190.5 | Executing action (_find_candidate_fail).                      |
|     5 |       2 | 1467708190.59 | Executed action (_find_candidate_fail).                       |
|     3 |       2 | 1467708190.58 | Triggered by <mysql.fabric.events.Event object at 0x239f8d0>. |
|     4 |       2 | 1467708190.59 | Executing action (_check_candidate_fail).                     |
|     5 |       2 | 1467708190.65 | Executed action (_check_candidate_fail).                      |
|     3 |       2 | 1467708190.64 | Triggered by <mysql.fabric.events.Event object at 0x239f950>. |
|     4 |       2 | 1467708190.65 | Executing action (_wait_slave_fail).                          |
|     5 |       2 | 1467708190.87 | Executed action (_wait_slave_fail).                           |
|     3 |       2 | 1467708190.86 | Triggered by <mysql.fabric.events.Event object at 0x239fa90>. |
|     4 |       2 | 1467708190.87 | Executing action (_change_to_candidate).                      |
|     5 |       2 | 1467708191.02 | Executed action (_change_to_candidate).                       |
15 rows in set (0.58 sec)

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