MySQL Utilitiesはだいぶ前にmysqlfailoverを試したくて入れたっきりで、あの時はまだMySQL Workbenchにしか入っていなかった(いつだったか独立して入れられるようになった)ので、WorkbenchのソースコードからUtilitiesの部分だけインストールしたなぁとか感傷に浸りつつ、お手軽にrpmで突っ込む。
CentOS6.3だから本当は"Oracle & Red Hat Linux 6"じゃないんだけど気にしない。"Linux Generic"がないので。
$ sudo rpm -i エラー: 依存性の欠如: mysql-connector-python >= 1.0.9 は mysql-utilities-1.3.2-1.el6.noarch に必要とされています
$ sudo rpm -i m/ $ sudo rpm -i
取り敢えずmysqluc(MySQL Utilities Client)を起動してみる。
$ mysqluc Launching console ... WARNING: mysqlauditadmin failed to read options. This utility will not be shown in 'help utilities' and cannot be accessed from the console. ERROR: The mysqlauditadmin utility requires Python version 2.7.0 or higher and lower than 3.0.0. The version of Python detected was 2.6.6. You may need to install or redirect the execution of this utility to an environment that includes a compatible Python version. WARNING: mysqlauditgrep failed to read options. This utility will not be shown in 'help utilities' and cannot be accessed from the console. ERROR: The mysqlauditgrep utility requires Python version 2.7.0 or higher and lower than 3.0.0. The version of Python detected was 2.6.6. You may need to install or redirect the execution of this utility to an environment that includes a compatible Python version. Welcome to the MySQL Utilities Client (mysqluc) version 1.3.2 Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help' for a list of commands or press TAB twice for list of utilities. mysqluc>
(;´д`) Python古い言われた。
sudo yum update pythonしても2.6.6のままだったのでまあいいやAudit Pluginからみのやつだけぽいし。
mysqluc> help Command Description ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------- help utilities Display list of all utilities supported. help <utility> Display help for a specific utility. help | help commands Show this list. exit | quit Exit the console. set <variable>=<value> Store a variable for recall in commands. show options Display list of options specified by the user on launch. show variables Display list of variables. <ENTER> Press ENTER to execute command. <ESCAPE> Press ESCAPE to clear the command entry. <DOWN> Press DOWN to retrieve the previous command. <UP> Press UP to retrieve the next command in history. <TAB> Press TAB for type completion of utility, option, or variable names. <TAB><TAB> Press TAB twice for list of matching type completion (context sensitive). mysqluc> help utilities Utility Description ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------- mysqldbcompare compare databases for consistency mysqldbcopy copy databases from one server to another mysqldbexport export metadata and data from databases mysqldbimport import metadata and data from files mysqldiff compare object definitions among objects where the difference is how db1.obj1 differs from db2.obj2 mysqldiskusage show disk usage for databases mysqlfailover automatic replication health monitoring and failover mysqlfrm show CREATE TABLE from .frm files mysqlindexcheck check for duplicate or redundant indexes mysqlmetagrep search metadata mysqlprocgrep search process information mysqlreplicate establish replication with a master mysqlrpladmin administration utility for MySQL replication mysqlrplcheck check replication mysqlrplshow show slaves attached to a master mysqlserverclone start another instance of a running server mysqlserverinfo show server information mysqluserclone clone a MySQL user account to one or more new users mysqluc> help mysqluserclone Usage: mysqluserclone --source=user:pass@host:port:socket --destination=user:pass@host:port:socket joe@localhost sam:secret1@localhost mysqluserclone - clone a MySQL user account to one or more new users Options: Option Description --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --version show program's version number and exit --help display a help message and exit --source=SOURCE connection information for source server in the form: <user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>]. --destination=DESTINATION connection information for destination server in the form: <user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>]. -d, --dump dump GRANT statements for user - does not require a destination --force drop the new user if it exists --include-global-privileges include privileges that match base_user@% as well as base_user@host --list list all users on the source - does not require a destination -f, --format=FORMAT display the list of users in either grid (default), tab, csv, or vertical format - valid only for --list option -v, --verbose control how much information is displayed. e.g., -v = verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv = debug -q, --quiet turn off all messages for quiet execution. mysqluc>
このあたりはドキュメントに書いてあることやmysqluserclone --helpと一緒ね。
mysqluc> mysqluserclone<TAB><TAB> Option Description --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --version show program's version number and exit --help display a help message and exit --source=SOURCE connection information for source server in the form: <user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>]. --destination=DESTINATION connection information for destination server in the form: <user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>]. -d, --dump dump GRANT statements for user - does not require a destination --force drop the new user if it exists --include-global-privileges include privileges that match base_user@% as well as base_user@host --list list all users on the source - does not require a destination -f, --format=FORMAT display the list of users in either grid (default), tab, csv, or vertical format - valid only for --list option -v, --verbose control how much information is displayed. e.g., -v = verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv = debug -q, --quiet turn off all messages for quiet execution. mysqluc> mysqluserclone --s<TAB><TAB> Option Description --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --source=SOURCE connection information for source server in the form: <user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <login- path>[:<port>][:<socket>].
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